It is a violation of Copyright law to reproduce, broadcast, transmit or post any portion of a performance at the Imperial Theatre subject to copyright protection, by any means and in any media. Such media includes but is not limited to, broadcasting, audio or video recording, digital image capture by camera or smart phone and/or posting to Internet Social Media sites.
168 Christina Street North,
PO Box 43, Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 7H8, Canada
There are approximately 100 spaces on Christina Street and the adjacent streets, all within 5 minute walk of the Imperial Theatre. There is a 2 hr free on street parking limit Monday to Friday until 6 pm. Parking on street is free all day on Saturday and Sunday and after 6 pm every evening. Parking rates vary during the day Monday to Friday until 6 pm. After 6 pm parking is free, as well as all day on Saturday and Sunday.